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Intellectual property


Protect your business, protect your ideas.  

Antonio Meucci, until 2002 it was completely unknown outside the borders of Italy. After a century of his death, the US Congress made him justice: acknowledged you as the inventor of the telephone.

In 1849, the Meucci "teletrofono" aired for the first time human in New York voice, when Alexander Graham Bell was a child of only two years. Sadly, Meucci was never patented his invention, until in 1876, Graham Bell patented a slightly more developed version of the invention of the Italian, the phone.

Meucci Scottish sued and won in the courts in 1887, however, died two years later without enjoying the benefits of his creation, while Graham Bell began his industrial career with a device that convulsed the world.

Public recognition for the efforts of Meucci rests in the historic resolution H. Res.. 269:

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Source: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-107hres269ih/pdf/BILLS-107hres269ih.pdf



brandThe brand not only is protected through registration. The important thing is to keep it throughout its existence. Together with you we design the strategy for protection of your brand or its portfolio of brands, according to your needs. The process of branding of your idea is nourished with the professional contribution of MANTILLA, image consultants http://borismantilla.com/2011/




In the global competition, what makes the difference is the innovation and technological development of enterprises. And to make sure that no one exploits of his wit, you must register it. You should patent it. Patenting not only protects your product or service; You can license it. This means that once you grant a patent on a product or process, you (your company), as owner, has the right to decide who may or may not be used. Therefore, the grant of the patent is the preliminary and necessary step for the commercial exploitation of his invention.



With this figure, you protect inventions with less inventive range as protected by patents. It consists in giving an object structure, configuration, or Constitution of which may derive some utility or practical advantage.




It is named to the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. Design (design) may consist in the shape or surface of an article, two-dimensional or three-dimensional, traits as reasons, lines or colors. Their features differ and give value added to a product in the market. It is very useful for handicraft or manufacturing sector.



FRANCHISEThey are contracts that combines prestige, experience and technical and commercial knowledge of the franchisor, with the investment and the interest of the franchisee to expand a business.




UNFAIR CIn an area of competition may be unfair practices affecting the good faith commercial. In the market, are behaviors of such non-distinctive signs imitation, deception, exploitation of alien reputation, violation of secrets, and others.



VEGETABLE VReferred to as plant varieties to the set of cultivated botanical individuals that are distinguished by having certain morphological, cytological, physiological, and chemical qualities that can perpetuate by propagation, reproduction or multiplication.  Breeder certificate is awarded by the State; This gives the natural or legal persons who have created one or more plant varieties that are new, distinct, uniform and stable, and having a proper name.



The development of new technologies and telecommunications has led to exchanges of information to thrive at surprising levels; more abbreviated and new ways of doing business has been instituted. This virtual space has not been neglected by the offenders to infringe the exclusive rights of third parties.



This instrument protects original literary and artistic works against uses such as reproduction, adaptation, public performance, broadcasting and other forms of transmission to the public. It can also provide protection against demeaning or degrading use of a work (so called "moral rights").



Trademark counterfeiting and piracy not only can cause economic damage to the legitimate owners of intellectual assets, but also to produce collateral against food safety or human health impacts.




ADVERTISINGToday, the large amount of advertising in mass media campaigns is unprecedented. Every industry has its particularity; There is no homogeneity, therefore the criteria of choice of advertising are different in each specialization, and is usual that the customer acquisition strategies also vary. ASPEN works with you not only in the drafting and negotiation of their advertising contracts, but also in the analysis of the advertising package before being issued, in order to avoid that they engage in actions or unfair practices.



A consultant is a key piece within the production process of your company. You must understand your business and its aspirations. It should offer real and effective advice. Together with you we redactaremos and negotiate contracts all the in all areas of Industrial and intellectual property and will study each case with discipline, so each diligence favor and save the reputation of your company.

Our actions also include sponsorship and defend their intellectual rights in administrative, civil or criminal headquarters and even resorting to alternative mechanisms of conflict (mediation and arbitration), if applicable.


CONTACTJosé Javier Villamarin


Cel.: 098 40 60 572